Unique Gift Co &

Firefly Lighted Canvas

19 Mayview Road Phone:  724-873-9100
P.O. Box 552 Fax:  724-873-9106
Lawrence, Pa 15055 Customer Service:  724-746-6780

"Moving" Lights canvas

Our new, premium line of canvas has many fiber optics that light in sequence to give the appearance of motion.


SC-101     16" x 12"

50 "moving" fiber (2 cycle waterfall)


SC-102     16" x 12"

60 "moving" fiber (3 cycle waterfall)


SC-103     16" x 12"

70 "moving" fiber (3 cycle waterfall)



SC-501     24" x 16"

2 flickering LED in the campfire +

150 "moving" fiber (3 cycle snowfall)


Light and Sound Canvas

Our new, premium line of canvas has a remote control and sound chips for realistic sound effects.


SC-302     24" x 16"

1 LED + 20 twinkle fiber optics

60 seconds of train engine and whistle sounds


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